martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

Complete the alphabet

You hand out a worksheet with all the letters of the alphabet from A to Z. Students must complete each letter with a word that comes to his/her mind, but taking into account that they must account for their answers, that is they must say why they wrote that word. You give them some minutes to think ... while they can listen to music in order to concentrate on their choices.

Likes and dislikes

You give them a worksheet divided in two columns LIKES AND DISLIKES. I like cooking......, I like playing......, I like watching......., I like reading........, and the same items with don´t like for instance: I don´t like playing.........., I don´t like watching........, I don´t like r ...eading..............once all the students have completed everything everyone reads out and share with the rest of the class.

Revising the alphabet with little children

To revise the alphabet with them and with a small group, you divide them into two groups you put loose letters on the table, the ones you can get at a book store made with rubber. You spell a word and children must find the letters to form the word. The first group that forms the word ...has to say the word aloud. If the word is well-written and said then that group gets a mark. You can also adapt this game with adolescents and adults including more difficult words. You need two or three alphabet sets in order to have enough consonants and vowels.Ver más

Mr Bean

You can use Mr. Beans in your classes as I did for many different things: to describe clothes, places, to learn new vocabulary, to predict, to talk about the past, to make conditionals sentences...etc etc. This is one of the examples of body language as He does not speak in general but SPEAKS WITH HIS BODY ALL THE TIME.